450. Reporting Requirements for CEAs
CEA Database
DPA has a CEA database that tracks every filled and vacant CEA position in the State. The reports from this database are available for use by any department interested in making comparisons of their positions to others in State service. It is essential the information in the database is accurate and maintained in an up-to-date condition. Components:
- the name and salary of the incumbent;
- level of the position and incumbent (if different);
- criterion that supports the position as a CEA;
- main functions, subordinate staff, and organizational level of the position;
- position number; level and title of the position’s supervisor;
- bargaining unit to which most closely related;
- department and division in which the position is located; and
- status (active, inactive) of the position.
Position Numbers
The information for each position comes from the State Controller’s Office and the State department where the position is found. The position number is the one piece of information that makes the connection between both sources; therefore, it is essential that a distinct position number be assigned to each CEA position and that DPA be made aware of any change.
Employee Retiring and Running Out Leave Credits
A CEA who is retiring from a CEA position and running out leave credits may be treated in one of two ways in relation to the position number. The preferred method is to place the retiring employee in the “Blanket,” retain the original number of the position for the active CEA position. If a department does not use the “Blanket,” the retiring employee should be assigned a new position number while running out leave credits.
These same options should be used in the event of an overlap of employees in a CEA position while the old incumbent orients the new appointee.
Reporting Requirements
After a CEA position is initially approved, it is necessary to provide DPA with a
CEA Position Database Form whenever the position number changes or the status of the position changes (active, inactive, abolished, or converted to exempt or civil service).
When any of the following changes occur, it is necessary to provide DPA with a key position description, duty statement, organization chart, and a CEA Position Database Form, when any of the following changes occur:
- Functions and/or duties
- Position level
- Movement to a different organizational unit
Departments will be asked to verify the information contained in the CEA data system by reviewing a printout to be provided by DPA on an annual basis coordinated through the CCD analyst.