220. Alternate Ranges

Alternate Range Definition

Some classifications in the State civil service system encompass duties that progress from training to journey levels based on the experience gained performing class duties; others require employees to obtain additional education, job experience, or job skills or competencies over and above class minimum qualifications. Such classes have more than a single salary range and these are known as alternate ranges. Classifications with alternate ranges (e.g. Staff Services Analyst, Staff Counsel, Academic Teacher etc) are referred to as “deep classes.”

All alternate ranges have class-specific criteria describing the requirements which must be met for appointment to an alternate range. Since alternate ranges provide additional compensation based primarily on experience gained over time in a class (known as “time in grade”) or possession of additional education or job experience, they are sometimes confused with Pay Differentials, which are tied to working conditions and/or possession of a specified license, degree, etc.

Authorization Required

Many alternate range criteria contain language stipulating that, when the requirements of the particular criteria are met, and upon the recommendation of the appointing authority, the employee shall receive a salary rate under the provisions of the appropriate DPA Rule.

The applicable salary rules pertaining to alternate ranges include:

  • DPA Rule 599.674(a), (b), or (c), (Rate on Movement Between Classes with Substantially the Same Salary Range) when the differential between salary ranges is less than two steps (10 percent).
  • DPA Rule 599.676 (Rate on Movement to a Class with a Higher Salary Range) when the differential between salary ranges is two steps (10 percent) or more.

In some cases, both rules will apply to a single deep class that has more than two alternate ranges with varying salary differentials. Alternate Range 129 is one example of this.

Rule 599.681 (Movement Between Alternate Ranges) is no longer referenced when establishing new deep classes. Nevertheless, it is still needed for some existing deep classes where the alternate range criteria are silent on salary movement.

Note: The State Controller’s Office does not automatically generate forms for changes in alternate ranges the way it does for a merit salary adjustment; the department must initiate the appropriate documentation.

Concept and Standards for Alternate Ranges

A “deep” class is a single classification where every position allocated to that classification can be assigned any duty within the class concept. Placement in an alternate range is based upon the individual’s skill and experience as defined under each alternate range criteria.

Alternate ranges are designed to recognize increased competence in the performance of class duties based upon experience obtained while in the class. The employee gains status in the alternate range as though each range were a separate classification.

To consolidate two or more classifications into a single deep classification or establish a new deep classification, a single test of fitness must be suitable for all the classifications or levels included in the deep class. Additionally, promotion to the highest level in the deep class must be virtually automatic. (Although there are no examinations for movement between alternate ranges, employees must meet the requirements for movement set forth in each alternate range criteria.)

Section 11 of the Pay Scales

Section 11 (“Alternate Ranges”) of the Pay Scales includes all established alternate ranges and the criteria for each. The majority of these alternate ranges are either deep classes or apprenticeship classes.

Newly established alternate ranges are numbered in succession with the last established alternate range. The number is generally assigned by DPA at the time the proposed classification specification is typed (DPA prepares all classification specifications). Alternate ranges established solely for salary compensation puposes will typically be numbered upon approval of the Class Data Sheet that must be prepared to effect the change.

Board Item Issues for a Deep Class

Deep classes are established through the Board item process and must be approved by the State Personnel Board (SPB).

The “Classification Considerations” section of the Board Item forms needs to describe how the new or revised class or classes meets the criteria for establishing a “deep class".

The proposed alternate range criteria must always be included in the “Recommendation” section of the Board item.

A resolution making an exception to SPB Rule 431 must be included in the Board item when a deep class is established. The purpose of this resolution is to allow incumbents to move, by transfer, to or from a deep class under the same eligibility that would apply if each range of the deep class was, itself, a separate class. Without this resolution, incumbents cannot gain transfer, demotion in lieu of layoff, or reinstatement (both mandatory and permissive) eligibility above Range A of the deep class, regardless of what range in the class they reach.

Include Footnote 21 in the appropriate class data information to denote the classification is being adopted as one which is an exception to SPB Rule 431. (Basically, this means the class is a “deep” class.)

When employees move, through resolution in a Board item, from one classification to either a newly established or a revised deep class, salary movement instructions must be provided. Do not include salary instructions in the body of the Board item itself.

If a Special In-Grade Salary Adjustment (SISA) is appropriate for a range(s) of a deep class, add the SISA footnote to the applicable salary range(s).

Non-deep Class Alternate Ranges

Altenate ranges established solely based on salary considerations do not need to be submitted to SPB. Further, the resolution which provides exception to SPB Rule 431 cannot be used for movement to classes which have alternate ranges under the jurisdiction of DPA (e.g., Alternate Range Criteria 45, which provides extra pay to incumbents in the classification of Sergeant, California Highway Patrol (CHP), who are assigned full time as flight observers in the flight program of CHP).